LOVE is being shared through the Gospel of Good Health.
At Eagle’s Therapy, we aim to promote a Responsible, Self-Sustainable & Natural Holistic Healthcare Education System. We also empower you to create and determine a Long-term Healing & Diet / Lifestyle Balancing System through a Creative & Flexible Naturopathy & Holistic Nutritional approach.

Kay Tse’s Ph.D. Thanksgiving

New Book Release

A Holistic Health Manual to support Disease Prevention & Chronic Health Concerns
- 60 years of Naturopathic Clinical Experience
- 40 Delicious Health Promoting & Anti-cancer Recipes
- 21 Testimonies of Life Warriors

Our Services
The art and science of achieving optimal health by living close to Nature. Our goal is to treat your entire being, meaning your body, soul and spirit. Our aim is to heal the root causes of your ailment — not just stop the symptoms.
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Chronic illnesses, failing health, worries about life, stress about uncertainties …..
Hang in there!
Let us journey through life together!

Testimonies of Live Worriers
谭智光 44岁
Terminal Vascular Cancer 末期血管癌
Sandra Schaller (German 德籍)
Unable to conceive again 身虚体弱,无法再孕
“I never will forget your reaction when I shared about my pregnancy. Thank you so much for expressing your joy and happiness. Also when you met Isabel ^_^. Thank you for your delightness. Thank you for all your support before/during and after my pregnancy. For all your word; all the positive and healing energy.”
沈一中长老 62岁
Terminal Vascular Cancer 末期血管癌
“不可思议的事情发生了! 负责放疗的主治医生在我完成第8次(总共16次)电疗后,很兴奋的把我们叫到他的诊所,要告诉我一个好消息,我左肺的肿瘤已明显的缩小了!他说一般上,他的病人都在电疗结束后的一到两个月后才能看到反应,而我在治疗期间就有明显的改善,这令他非常惊讶! 我深知这是全能神藉着你的双手,在我身上施展了祂神迹奇事。”
Antonio 54岁 (Brazil 巴西籍)
Prostate Illness 前列腺病患
"…. Desmond, he touched my feet and immediately described precisely my problem. After a few minutes of conversation I was impressed about his faith and how confident he made me feel. Desmond was able to convey the feeling that I was delivering my disease to him and at the same time collecting the hope I needed. …. I realized that I had found the healing hands to improve my health."
Mr and Mrs Tay 52岁
Hypertension 高血压
“感谢神的带领,让我和先生有机会接触自然医学之反射理疗与全人营养。我们也因此认识了你...在神赋予的恩赐与岗位上,无私和完全摆上自己的专业 -自然疗法导师。丈夫Tay 的血压一向稍微偏高,尤其是舒张压值 (Diastolic blood pressure),在经过几次的理疗后,竟然恢复正常值范围,连我们的 General Practitioner 都很惊讶。”
Xin Min 20 岁
Lymphoma 淋巴癌
“ We were still filled with uncertainty about the future of our second daughter, Priscilla, when we first entered into your clinic. However, your accurate foot reflex zone diagnosis of her health without first informing you about her condition amazed us! You were spot on that she had an issue with her spleen."