Testimonies of Life Warriors

55 years old, Brazilian, Prostate Illness
When I was first diagnosed with prostate problems, I have started a lengthy traditional therapy. Still, despite all the medicines I have taken, the pain continued to be permanent feeling.
The turning point happened when one night, my wife mentioned that a Japanese friend who previously had a serious health problem, highly recommended that we should consider Natural healing – Reflex Therapy as an option and described how she has improved through the healing hands of Desmond Shen.
That was the first time that this name came to my radar, and since then it has become a permanent shining point.
During my first session with Desmond, he touched my feet and immediately described precisely my problem. After a few minutes of conversation I was impressed about his faith and how confident he made me feel. Desmond was able to convey the feeling that I was delivering my disease to him and at the same time collecting the hope I needed.
After a few sessions of interaction, I realized that I had found the healing hands to improve my health.
Desmond has been taking care of me and I really want to thank this healer for his dedication, patience and kindness.
As a Christian, I wish I could have the same devotion and the same faith that I observe in Desmond. In a true sense his life and his healing powers are dedicated to Christ. I can feel it during our conversations when he always explains how Christ acts through his hands.
During our encounters,I can observe variety of patients with very serious health problems, some of them in terminal phase. But despite the challenges that all of them are facing in their lives I can feel the atmosphere in that room is one full of optimism, faith and positive thinking. They all trust that at Eagle’s Therapy healing hands will be met.
I am very grateful for all you have been doing for me and I wish you a very long journey allowing many others, still unknown patients, to cross your path and be in contact with your faith, wisdom and healing hands. Many thanks.
(55岁,巴西籍), 摄䕶腺病患
当我一开始被确诊有前列腺 病疾时,我开始了一系列 的传统疗程;但是尽管使用许多的药物后,我的疼痛仍感觉永无止境。
转捩点是在一个晚上,我太太 提起一日籍友人,之前有严重的健康 问题,她大力推荐我们考虑自然疗法 – 反射理疗的选项;并且她形容她如何在沈金兴的手中得到医治。那是我第 一次听到过这个名字,此后,他便成为永久的闪亮点。
第一次疗程时,金兴一触及我的脚部,就马上能说出我的问题。几分 钟的交谈后,我对他坚定的信仰,和他给予我的信心,留下深刻的印象。金 兴能理解我所传达关于我的病症,同时给了我所迫切需要的希望。
金兴一直为我进行护理,我真的对这个治愈者的委身,耐心和善心由 衷感激。
身为基督徒,我希望我有和我所观察到的金兴一样的忠诚和信心。他 的生命和治愈能力都真的献给基督,从他解释基督如何借着他的手行事时, 我可以感觉到这点。
在我们的交流中,我观察到有不同的病人有严重的疾病,许多都是末 期病人。即便他们在生命中面对很大的挑战,在诊所里的氛围却是积极,充 满信心和正面的。他们信任在Eagle’s Therapy的诊所,存在着一双治愈者的 手。
我很感激你为我所做的一切,并希望你长久的有许多其他病人与你相 遇,并认识你的信仰,智慧和治愈的双手。非常谢谢你。