Testimonies of Life Warriors
Priscilla Han
19yrs old, Lymphoma
To: Brother Desmond
Firstly, I am so thankful for God’s complete healing upon me and how God led my family and me to know you. It is such an honor for me to testify to His goodness and power
After living in Taiwan for close to 3 years, I came back to Singapore in June 2018, awaiting to be admitted into a local university. However, things took a turn when I was admitted into the hospital in August that year instead. After an X-ray report showed that there was a mass near my lungs, I went through many blood tests and did a one-time biopsy before I was diagnosed with lymphoma. Doctors planned for me to go through 6 rounds of chemotherapy. It was after the 5th round of chemotherapy that I went for my first visit to Eagle’s Therapy
I remember how thankful I felt to know Desmond because not only is he very knowledgeable in his profession but he is also a man of great faith. I really feel that it is a blessing from God to be able to know you through this tough journey. Each time I go for my appointment, I look forward to my session! There’s a lot of laughter, sharing, learning and hope. In addition, knowing Desmond allowed me to witness many breakthroughs in myself such as being more optimistic and positive, confidence in embracing my new look, going out without a mask and most importantly, having more faith in Christ
Thank you for being such a willing servant of God. Thank you for imparting so much joy, love, care and knowledge to your patients. It has always been an enjoyable and fruitful time and my family and I feel so blessed that we have shared with our friends and relatives about you.
Praise God for you
With love,
Priscilla Han
(19岁), 淋巴癌
首先,我非常感谢 上帝完全的医治 了我,以及上帝如何带领我和我家人来认识你,让我能 有如此的荣幸来证明,上帝 的恩典与力量。
在台湾生活近三年后,我于2018年6月回返新加坡,等待被当地大学录 取。但是,那年八月我被紧急送进医院时,情况发生了变化。X光报告显示 我的肺部有肿块后,我经过了多次血液检查并进行了一次活检组织,然后才 被诊断出患有淋巴瘤。医生为我计划要进行6轮化疗。在第五轮化疗之后, 我第一次去了Eagle’s Therapy。
能认识沈弟兄我感到无比的感恩,因为他不仅对自己的专业知识渊 博,而且是个虔诚、敬畏神的人。我深信是神的旨意与祝福,让我藉着这次 的艰辛旅程来认识您。对于每一次的复诊预约,我都是满怀期待的!因为那 里充满了欢笑,分享,学习与希望。此外,认识沈弟兄使我发掘了自己的许 多突破,例如,我开始变得更加乐观积极,对我的新样貌充满自信,外出不 再需要戴口罩,更重要的是,我对耶稣基督的信心也增长了。
感谢您这位忠心、甘心事奉的神的仆人。为着您与所有病患与访客所 分享的知识、见证、爱心与关怀献上感恩。每一次的相聚,都是一个愉快且 富有成果的时光。我的家人和我都感到非常幸福,我们甚至与亲朋好友分享 关于您的一切。